When Love

What do you do when you love someone

but the one you love, love’s someone else?

The answer is clear and very simple

and this is a secret she never tells

She sits alone and drowns in pain

watching them as she silently observes

her heart is torn and emotions on high

she keeps it quiet, her comments she reserves

and during the day, the tears she fights

she cries them all at midnight

then the next day she begins again

with her fake smile, wide and bright

sometimes she wants to blurt it out

maybe that would end her pain

but if she speaks the truth and it goes wrong

then what would be her gain?

every girl who’s seen with him

becomes her point of envy

because she can’t bear to watch them smile

while she suffers in painful agony

the thoughts in her head are deadly

the devil that is she

cuz if she’s not with him

there’s no place else she’d rather be

what do you do when you love someone

but the one you love don’t love you the same?

the answer is clear and very simple

Love is the one to Blame.


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