Paradigm Shift

I still look at her,
I look at her everytime I get the chance to; all the time.
I look at her to reminisce, to reflect.
We were already falling apart, buhtt that’s where you destroyed it.
Destroyed us.
You just walked away.
You never turned back till things went wrong.
She never cared, buhtt I did.
She never loved, buhtt I did.
I did everything to keep us going
Even though we were hanging by a worn out thread.
Until you broke me as well
And I also had to give up.
Here you are once again
Standing, staring, manipulating on how to replay every event
So that I end up lying on the same broken pieces.
Buhtt that’s where your mistake starts from
Cuz I’m not walking on that same path, again.
No. No.
I’m making the turn I should’ve made in the first,
The turn that could’ve changed the destination.
I’m stopping here,getting out
And moving on
Salt & Water,will not be combined by your efforts.
I’m seeing what I should’ve, the first time.
Thank you for the mistakes.
Thank you for the pain.
Thank you for the tears.
And I’m forever grateful for the loneliness.
Don’t worry about it,
The favor will most definitely be returned.

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