
It just gets overwhelming after a while

So much pressure, pressing down on you

So much overthinking, no one to unload unto

And even the ones you share it with think you’re crazy

It’s like no one understands and you can’t make them.

A classic situation of “If you know,you know”

It kinda sucks and kinda hurts at the same time

When you’re holding on to nothing in particular

But just grasping, pulling, struggling not to let go of something you don’t even have a hold of.

Inner fights and tug of wars with your demons.

Masking in charades of happiness

“when did life become so screwed up?”

, you ask yourself

But truth is, it always has been.

You just never knew because you were covered with the veil of childhood.

Blissful Ignorance.

You try and try , but the more you try the harder it gets.

“God will never give you anything you can’t handle”

, you were told

But this is too much for you to bear, so you think God is punishing you.

And maybe rightfully so, considering all those things you did that you would like to remain kept in the darkness

“When will this end? “

,because it seems like it never will.

Your whole life just seems like a blur, or a bad hand of dealt cards .

A total shit show.

You’re truly hoping that the rest of the world feels this way because you can’t possibly be the only one winging this ‘life‘ thing

You’re trying to get your shit together and maybe do something you’d actually be good at

But the ultimate goal seems too far fetched and even though the journey determines the destination, you’re thinking it can’t really be worth all the hassle and pain

So you’re giving up without even trying.

Writing yourself off before someone else does.

Lowering your self worth before people bring down your ego.

Trying to be invisible or blend into the mediocrity of the masses.

Becoming just like everyone else.

unraveling at the ends.

How can you give up though?

you haven’t even tried yet.


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